Verified-Pay Custom Development Services

Custom Development Services

We have in-house experts at WordPress plugin development tailored to large online stores. Our team understands that simply installing WooCommerce and a few ready-made payment plugins is not sufficient if you are shipping hundreds of orders per day. We can offer you an integrated suite of tools to optimize the shipping process as well as customer support.

We offer this as software as a service (SaaS) paid on a monthly basis.

WordPress e-commerce

Our WordPress plugin collects and analyzes various risk metrics to minimize fraud and achieve chargeback rates below 0.05% at participating merchants.

Seamless payment integration with WooCommerce shopping cart:

WordPress plugin checkout

Magento, Joomla and more

  • Magento e-commerce solutions
  • Joomla stores for virtual & physical goods

Contact us for further information.

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All rights reserved

MasterCard Visa AmericanExpress Protected by AntiVir

All payments are made in South African Rand (ZAR)